Alex Grey



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Cognitive Liberty

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Consciousness Researchers

Cooking And Other Preparations

David Icke

DMT Videos

DMT Volunteer Videos

Dr. Dennis McKenna

Dr. Rick Strassman

Jonathan Ott

James Oroc

Major DMT, Ayahuasca and Altered States of Consciousness Pages

Major References

The Manaus, Brazil Santo Daime Group Ayahuasca Session Experience

Newspaper and Magazine Articles

Other DMT, Ayahuasca (or related) Pages

Other DMT and Ayahuasca Speakers

Other Featured Individuals and Videos

Other Links

Other People To Research

Other Videos To Watch

Plants That Cause Lucid Dreaming

The Plants That Make Up Ayahuasca

Religions That Use Ayahuasca


Salvia Divinorum

San Pedro

Shamanism & Ayahuasca

Terence McKenna

The Law

Yoga or Psychedelics?

Welcome to Profound States - brought to you by Positive Change Hypnosis of Atlanta, Georgia.

DMT, Ayahuasca, and Other Entheogens VII


Researcher: Moses was tripping at Mount Sinai

The Journal of Philosophy

Biblical entheogens
Time and Mind
- Also see this link.

Biblical Entheogens: a Speculative Hypothesis1

Entheogenic Sects and Psychedelic Religions

The Antipodes of the Mind: Charting the Phenomenology of the Ayahuasca Experience by Benny Shanon

Where to Buy

Reliable Vendors

Sacred Magickals Blogspot
MH-UK Ethnobotanicals

Pure Heart Vibes Blogspot

Rhetorical Alchemy Blogspot

I've had good luck with Bouncing Bear Botanicals... good quality as far as I can tell, good prices, US-based. Also, if you put in the coupon code "Future20" you can get 20% off... You can thank google for that one, tested and it works.
I have purchased from Maurice, and his botanicals are outstanding, top-notch, second-to-none, etc.
I have never bought materials online, but over the years I have noted that Mayas Ethnobotanicals has had a consistently outstanding reputation.
i do not like BBB either...

To each their own, but what i got was very week compared to other vendors.

I like KTbotanicals, and maya
Some vendor threads:



"Syncretic churches are set up in every major city in Brazil, and has even spread into smaller villages and communities deep into the jungle. One trip to Brazil has the added benefit of acquiring local contact information in your home country. Major metropolitan areas have a good percentage of English speaking locals in case you’re not familiar with Portuguese..."

"...Santo Daime, the largest of the ayahuasca using syncretic religions, has entire communities of their adherents based deep in the Amazon. The largest of these, Céu do Mapiá, is also the worldwide headquarters for the Daime. What is amazing about these communities is that they have been granted rights to live in the middle of huge national forests..."

Other Ayahuasca Links

Anadenanthera (wiki)



Methysticodendron Amesianum

Astral Dynamics

Amazonian Shamanism, Psychoactive Plants and Ritual Reinvention.pdf




[Ayahuasca] Encompassing the Amazon Q&A 2-2

Ayahuasca Association

Indigenous and mestizo use of ayahuasca. An overview

Shamans and Herbalists

The Spirit Vine by Daniel Mirante

Ayahuasca protection prayer

FAQ - How to avoid being Psychically Attacked a.k.a Black Magic

Personal Accounts of the Santo Daime doctrine

Krakonosh, Andy

Ayahuasca Initiation

NDEs, the Death Journey, and Ego-Death

Unable to extract disease entities

Eternal gratitude

Long Distance Love...


Israeli archaeologists unearth 12,000-year-old shaman skeleton

Drugs Found in Hair of Ancient Andean Mummies


Wasi Waska 

Pharmacotheon (YouTube)


soga-del-alma.org is a yearly ayahuasca conference held in Iquitos, Peru


Redemption Songs Part Eight by Stuart Wilde

FLORIDA WATER and KANANGA WATER; also see Lucky Mojo.

The Breath on Which it Floats

An Experience of England’s First Long Dance


Ayahuasca is not for Fun.


Just some musings on recent dreams...

Graham Hancock on Ayahuasca

Tree of Being

Shamansim: The Ancient Root of Traditional Oriental Medicine

What are synaesthetic languages?

Why We Get High!

The Apprenticeship of Don Julio Llerena Pinedo

My Friend and Teacher, Julio Jerena, Has Passed

Norma Panduro.
Amazon Ayahuasca
Estrella Ayahuasca

Juan Tango Paima

Shamanism-General Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Bioregional Animism

Amazon Medicinals

Third International Conference on Entheogens and Modified States of Consciousness, May 30-31, 1998, Barcelona, Spain

7th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference: Iquitos/Peru July 16th - 22nd

This is a talk (mp3 file, 10 Mb) given by Ajna Saunders at the Exploring Consciousness conference in Bath, UK , June 2004. Also see eyohey.

The Use of Entheogens in the Vajrayana Tradition: a brief summary of preliminary findings together with a partial bibliography

Embracing the Fragmented Self: Shamanic Explorations of the Sacred in Schizophrenia & Soul Loss

Shipibo Ayahuasca Shaman Enrique Lopez in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru - Part 2

Jajé: The New Purgatory - Encounters With Ayahuasca White Buffalo Calf Woman

Beware ayahuasca: How drinking a psychedelic South American tea led to the worst night of my life. See also



"A second step could be to precise the "what": since the seminal paper and provocative hypothesis of Amazonist anthropologist Peter Gow (1994), who put forth the idea that the currently observed ayahuasca healing shamanism among Indians originates in urban mestizo context and began to spread among Indians at the time of forced contacts during the rubber boom (~1880-1917), it is more and more evident that even among indigenous groups ayahuasca shamanism is less homogeneous, "indigenous", and stable than previously thought. Thus the healing/therapy aspect is gaining more and more importance, hence relevance, at the expense of older features of ayahuasca shamanism (e.g. for hunting or war, for collective purposes)."

Peter Gorman has written a very good article about Phyllomedusa bicolor, a frog that allows you to see where all the animals will show up in the forest. It's used for hunting How amazing is that? Is it the frog that has this soul and knowledge? Or does it open up some other world or soul, through certain chemical keys?

Among the Tukano, the partaker of the drug feels himself pulled along by powerful winds which the leading shaman explains as a trip to the Milky Way, the first stop on the way to heaven.

Similarly, the Ecuadorian Zaparo experience a sensation of being lifted into the air. The souls of Peruvian Conibo-Shipibo shamans fly about in the form of a bird; or shamans may travel in a supernatural canoe manned by demons to reconquer lost or stolen souls.

- Kevin Furnas #559-63-9501 kevinfurnas@yahoo.com was born in San Francisco and has spent many years exploring and learning from various cultures around the world. He underwent shamanic initiation at Sachamama Ethnobotanical Gardens outside of Iquitos, Peru and spent 20 months dieting with various plants, trees and stones. Before his passing, he resided in Cuzco, Peru where he was in the midst of studying the Andean system, performing ceremonies, and writing a series of books on the diet process.

"I stayed for two weeks with Percy Garcia, he has a range of different strengths of diets available and his centre is beautiful, an absolutely outstanding curandero located in Iquitos, two weeks cost $700 He does three ceremonies a week. It is definately worth it."
A Concise Encyclopedia of Legal Herbs and Chemicals with Psychoactive Properties by Adam Gottlieb


Pablo Amaringo

Psychotria viridis (one local name is Chacruna) is a shrub from the coffee family, Rubiaceae.

the leaves of Psychotria viridis (the source of DMT) and the vine Banisteriopsis caapi (the source of MAOI)

List of psychedelic plants

A General Introduction to Ayahuasca

Growing Psychotria viridis



DMT: The Shamanic Colonic Video

Alex Grey rare interview on DMT Dimethyltryptamine

The God Chemical: Brain Chemistry And Mysticism (NPR Audio)



The Flower of Life (YouTube Video)

Psychedelics in Light of the Yoga Sutras

Shamans of the Amazon

Plants of The Gods

In the 1950s, the endogenous production of psychoactive agents was considered to be a potential explanation for the hallucinatory symptoms of some psychiatric diseases as the transmethylation hypothesis

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