Today on the “History Undercover” show, on the History Channel, they said all kinds of things that I hadn’t yet heard about the Kennedy assassination. I had heard about a possible govt. hit man and heard all kinds of other hearsay rumors. But this show was documented with actual footage, from that time, and documents released long after all of that was closed, to prove what they were saying. They mentioned that Oswald’s 201 file, whatever that is, showed that he had worked for the CIA. I hadn’t heard that before. They showed footage of Jack Ruby sitting in a press briefing where he shouldn’t have had access. They mentioned that there was an imposter using Oswald’s name getting passports back to Russia in Mexico City. They showed the “Cooper” film that was shot near the grassy knoll within 2 or 3 minutes of the assassination. For the first time, that I’m aware of, this “Cooper” film proved that there was indeed lots of police activity near this area immediately following the shooting. The police temporarily apprehended one gentleman who was leaving a building in that area. So something must have alerted them to activity in that area. An FBI agent, a Mr. Hosty (spelling?) testified that he was not to share his information about Oswald with the police. The documents surrounding Clay Shaw, the only man who was ever brought to trial for Kennedy’s murder, were ordered destroyed. He was charged with conspiracy to murder the president. One man saved 23 boxes regarding this trial from being destroyed. Shaw was acquitted in one hour after 30 days of testimony. The assassination review board fought for many years to get much of this information revealed. Gary Raymond was one investigator who saved many of the transcripts and documents that District attorney Harry Connick (spelling?) had ordered destroyed. Mr. Raymond was charged with releasing state secrets for saving these documents. He got them to the assassination review board. Connick was forced to turn over the documents to the review board. Four million pages have been released to the review board so far. Some of the pages are still blacked out. The rest of the information is supposed to be released by 2017. Dave Powers, a close friend of the president, filmed the motorcade from the car directly behind Kennedy’s. He refused to release it to the public and gave instructions, in his will, that it should never be released to the public. Sincerely; Mike Beaver CCNA, MCP, Network + Euless, Texas 817-798-2061